Nea and Allie gathered their closest friends and relatives to witness as they declared their love to the world. in a sublime goth setting, filled with significance, bride and groom faced the officiant, Ame Morningstar. Both bride and groom then expressed their most heartfelt feelings in the form of their personal vows and exchanged rings, symbols of union and eternity. The officiant then bound their hands and their destinies together for all time, pronouncing them as Mr. and Mrs. Himeno Amante.
Shortly after this, the beautiful couple of newlyweds led their guests to the reception where they all celebrated this most joyous occasion.
BlueMoon Weddings and Event Planning is proud to announce the handfasting of Nea and Allie Himeno which took place on November 7th, 2023 in Second Life and joins their closest ones in wishing them a lifetime of happiness together. ♥